My Typical 60 Seconds:

Darren Stiff – Principal, Guildford Financial, Senior Partner Practice of St. James’s Place.

With over 26 years experience as a wealth management professional Darren is trusted by his clients to provide clear advice, specific to their individual requirements.

Investment Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning and Inheritance Tax Planning are all covered by Darren, a service backed by St. James’s Place. One of the most substantial and well respected financial institutions in the UK.

But it is an attention to detail and a genuine desire to help that marks Darren’s service as exceptional. Wealth means different things to different people and every Guildford Financial client receives advice tailored to their personal requirements and assets.

A renowned specialist in planning for the demands faced in later life, Darren is an accredited member of SOLLA, the Society of Later Life Advisers, an organisation dedicated to providing the highest quality, most relevant and socially aware service.

For reliable advice, call Darren Stiff, he will be delighted to help.

St. James’s Place guarantees the suitability of the advice given by members of the St. James’s Place Partnership when recommending any of the wealth management products and services available from companies in the group, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website at

The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the ‘Partner Practice’ is the marketing term used to describe St. James’s Place representatives.

SJP Approved 07/01/2025

We meet every Thursday, 6.45am till 8.40am



Spring Budget 2023

Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, presented the Spring Budget Update, where he set out four areas of focus which covered: The headline changes which will impact payroll

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guts motor tour

Upcoming GUTS events

View some of the upcoming events for GUTS. Albury Park Open Gardens, Sunday 26 March: Bolt Round the Holt 21k/10k/5k run + children’s 1k fun

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