One of the greatest joys and benefits of BNI is listening to a ten-minute presentation from a member that is so obviously passionate about their business that they make their work come alive.
This week we were treated to a quite amazing talk from Kim Ronaldson, owner of Kimnosis, a professional hypnotherapy company based in Guildford.
Kim has been with Guildford Business BNI for enough years for every member and most regular guests to know about his business. It is therefore even more astounding that he managed to keep every person in the audience rapt with attention as he explained, in some detail how his services help people with genuinely life affecting conditions and phobias.
As a provider of an ‘alternative therapy’ Kim knows that not everybody is entirely aware of, or even a believer in the effectiveness of hypnotherapy. He readily accepts that some people remain sceptical of the results, but then his presentation went on to explain that some of the most dramatic results involve clients that were once sceptics.
Kim explained that hypnotherapy is far removed from the ‘fob watch swinging, you are feeling sleepy’ type of entertainment provided by end of pier practitioners. Having studied his subject for a number of years, Kim is not only a fully licensed practitioner but his company, Kimnosis is also an accredited school of hypnotherapy.
In addition to dispelling myths, Kim also explained that during a session there is never any loss of control for the patient, Kim merely uses tried and tested techniques to induce a deeply relaxed state in his clients. Once relaxed the process of replacing negative thoughts and emotions with positive messages can begin, this is achieved with skilful use of language and suggestion, designed to effect the sub-conscious mind.
As always, questions were requested and among the sea of hands Caroline Cooper of Naturally Loyal was picked first…’How many sessions does it take to overcome a phobia?’
Kim explained that it was not a matter of ‘curing’ a phobia, a treatment will replace negative stimulants with positive messages to such a degree that the patient will find the very thought of ever having suffered completely puzzling, even laughable. To demonstrate his point, Kim cited the example of former member Beck Ladley of Social Quirk.
Becky had a debilitating fear of hypodermic syringes, so bad was the phobia (Trypanophobia) that Becky felt queasy at the mere mention of the word. A single session identified the root of the problem and helped Becky to overcome her fear to such an effect that Kim showed us a slide of a smiling Becky holding a syringe.
Other questions included one from Nik Church of My Local Handyman who asked ‘can anybody be hypnotised?’
Kim said that many people thought that only those susceptible to suggestion could be hypnotised but that this idea was completely untrue. ‘Hypnotherapy helps people to relax, if a person can relax then we can help, there are no tricks involved and in many years of practice I have never met a patient that could not be hypnotised’