Feature Presentation – Pauline Herring, Everycare Guildford

This week’s presentation came from Pauline Herring, owner of Everycare Central Surrey, a genuine treat for members due to Pauline’s unique relaxed style and fascinating personal history.

Pauline has enjoyed a remarkable career, most of it spent at the very top of her chosen profession, social work. Every week the presenter is asked for their ‘Key to Success’ and perhaps senior positions in the Probation, Prison and NHS helped to inform Pauline’s belief that the key is ‘work hard and be kind’…fine sentiments and very typical of Pauline’s approach to life.

Interests including playing golf, reading and spending time with family and friends also point to the deep thinking and gregarious personality that has made Pauline one of the most respected members of our group.

The 10 minute presentation also gives members an opportunity to learn ‘something nobody knows’ and in Pauline’s case this was the fact that she saw Elvis perform in Vegas in the 1960’s!

Occasionally, the ten minute presentation will be less about a members business and more about a subject close to the heart of the presenter and as a healthcare professional Pauline chose the latter.

Dementia is a problem that Pauline and her team deal with on a daily basis with many of Everycare’s clients suffering from this most disturbing and frightening disorder. The Everycare motto of ‘Wherever Possible, Home Care not Care Home’ is particularly relevant to Dementia sufferers as they are able to continue living in familiar surroundings free from the additional concerns of hospitalisation or care home living.

The bulk of Pauline’s presentation covered the differences between the symptoms of Dementia and Ageing, many signs are of course similar but as we were informed, even the most subtle changes of behaviour can be an indication of a serious issue.

Good news came in the form of Pauline’s absolute statement that with proper medication, this awful condition can be slowed down but as with most degenerative disorders, early diagnosis really helps.

As is traditional, the presentation ended with a brief Q&A opportunity and first in the Q was Iain Booth, owner of Inside Outside Marquees.

Iain asked ‘What geographic area does Everycare cover?’…Pauline responded with a detailed explanation by explaining that her team travel to clients homes all around central Surrey, mainly covering Guildford, Godalming and the villages but as far as Haslemere in the south and Bookham in the north of Surrey.

Sadly, there was only time for one more quick question and it came from A visitor, Laura Day of Reality Finance…’What is the biggest challenge your business faces?’

The response came as no surprise to members as we all know that Evercare do not struggle to get clients, the biggest challenge is recruiting suitable team members with Pauline explaining ‘we train all our staff to very high standards, so attitude and an understanding of what the job entails is more important than qualifications to us’.

For more information about the services provided by Everycare please visit their website or call Pauline on 01483 536266

We meet every Thursday, 6.30am till 8.30am at Guildford Cathedral



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