An integral and popular part of any weekly BNI meeting is the ten-minute presentation. Members take it turns throughout the year to speak about themselves and their business, giving fellow members and guests a greater insight into how they work, what they do and what referrals to listen out for.
Of course, some members are more comfortable in delivering their presentations than others, some use plenty of visual aids, others might bring along a ‘prop’ or two to generate extra interest and there are a few that rely on video or lots of photo’s. Whatever the style they are always well received by a very generous and forgiving audience, we are after all, here to support each other.
If you are coming along as a visitor or a guest you will be told in advance who will be delivering the presentation and we always welcome questions at the end of ‘the show’.
Ten-minute presentation Thursday 13th April 2017
This week we heard from Jovan Maric, owner of Square Daisy, a website design company based in Redhill. Jovan has been a BNI member for over three years and is our current Group Director…no pressure then Jovan!

Following the preferred BNI format, Jovan introduced us to his family with some delightful photographs, he then tried to convince us that he is a close friend of Novak Djokovic…although we think that some judicious use of Photoshop may have been involved in producing the image of the pair of them stood together.
Personal introductions over, Jovan went on to tell us all about life at a digital design agency, the type of websites that they produce, the sort of companies that they wish to work with and what would make an excellent referral for Square Daisy.
The bulk of the presentation was taken up with a fascinating animation, produced by Square Daisy which explained in layman’s terms what goes into the making of a website. The skilfully worked ‘story’ took us through the process as if we were baking a cake, from initial recipe through the ingredients, the ‘cooking’ and decoration and finally, the end result…a beautiful website, exactly as the client ordered.
For the technically minded we learned a little about Java Script, HTML and Hosting but the presentation was aimed squarely at an audience that were more interested in the finished cake than the baking.
Jovan also introduced a time allocation for each element to give us an idea of how long we should expect the process to take place. Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ website but the group learned that companies with a budget of between £5,000 and £12,000 would benefit most from an introduction to Square Daisy.
There was time for just two questions, the first which came from Dena Dixon, owner of Pay-Nex who asked ‘who in a company would be most likely to engage the services of Square Daisy?’
The response from Jovan was that in a larger company, responsibility would usually fall to a senior marketing manager or director but that in a smaller business they would deal directly with the owner operator of the company.
The second question, from Jane Carnall of Really Hungry, asked if when making a referral members of the group should address budget before anything else. Jovan replied by suggesting while seems uncomfortable jumping straight into the financials, it was necessary to get a guide on what budget clients had so that everyone’s expectations were managed and no ones time was wasted….or worse still, a heart attack ensuing proposal was received!
A great presentation and one which you can view by downloading a copy here.