One of the many great joys of being a Director of BNI is welcoming new members to our ever growing group, and it is my very great pleasure to introduce Malcolm Lockyer of Churchill Builders into the fold.
Malcolm took the decision to join BNI after just two visits having recognised the value of membership. We have businesses from all sectors represented at Guildford BNI, everything from Accountancy, Utilities and IT Support to Design and marketing services and in common with the vast majority of groups in the country, we have a very strong ‘Trades’ team.
In fact, we would say that our ‘Power Team’ of trade professionals would take some beating, just take a look at who we have…
Peter Voice of PHP Plumbing and Heating, we’re not saying that he’s experienced enough to have sorted out the toilets on the ark but he did once work with the bloke that did! The service that Pete and his lads provide probably receives more referrals than any other business in our group, such is the reputation for quality.
Technical Electrical Services is owned by Tim Day, a BNI member for almost ten years now and in this time he has fixed just about everything imaginable for fellow members and their contacts, Tim is endlessly patient, superbly reliable and easily referable…it’s fair to say that Tim puts the power into the Power Team.
For everything ‘Handy’ we have the fabulous Nik Church, owner of My Local Handymen, if it’s broken or needs fitting Nik and his team will do it. Nik is especially proficient with bathroom fitting and no installation or fix is too big, or too small for him. The group lean heavily on Nik’s professionalism and service when making referrals to his business.
Now Malcolm has added his many years of experience in the building trade to the team. Malcolm runs Churchill Builders with his son and he is delighted that he’s already started to receive business referrals from the group.
Welcome aboard Malcolm, it’s great to have you with us!
Russ McKenzie – BNI Chapter Director and MD of nTrust Systems
Ps. Not that we’re showing off but we have another two business owners that have submitted an application to join the group and once their references have been thoroughly checked out, we will be saying hello to them as well…watch this space !